Can Rabbits Eat Pumpkin? All You Need to Know About This Giant Fruit

Dr. Kathryn Rosalie Dench

Written by: Dr. Kathryn Rosalie Dench

Last updated:

can rabbits eat pumpkin

The pumpkins and squash family are one of the oldest domesticated plant groups on earth. Although most people consider them vegetables, they are technically fruits, packed full of seeds and carefully protected in layers of yellow flesh.

But, as a bunny owner, you probably know that feeding rabbits fruits too often can make it sick because of their high sugar content, which can upset your rabbit’s delicate digestive system. This begs the question, can rabbits eat squash?

Our comprehensive guide covers all the veterinary-approved advice you need to know about pumpkin and rabbits. We’ll discuss:

  • Can rabbits eat pumpkins?
  • Health benefits and risks of feeding your rabbit pumpkins
  • How to feed your rabbit pumpkin

So let’s jump in to see how to safely satisfy your rabbits’ pumpkin cravings!

Can Rabbits Eat Pumpkins?

Yes, rabbits can eat pumpkins. Squash and pumpkins have a high water content and are a nutrient-dense food that can make a healthy addition to your rabbit’s diet in moderation. While the vitamins and minerals in pumpkin are good for your bunny, the high levels of sugar and carbohydrates can put your rabbit at risk of digestive problems or obesity if given too often.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Rabbits

Squash or pumpkin is a good example of nutrient-dense food. For example, 100 g of raw pumpkin contains:

  • Carbs – 6.5 g
  • Sugars – 2.76 g
  • Protein – 1 g
  • Fiber – 0.5 g
  • Fat – 0.1 g

Pumpkins also contain several vitamins like vitamins A, C, E, and K. Additionally, they contain minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium, sodium, phosphorous, zinc, and potassium.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Rabbits

Risks Associated With Feeding Pumpkin to Your Rabbit

Fruits are generally high in carbs and sugar. So, while it is safe to feed pumpkin to your rabbit, giving it too much of the fruit can result in health problems.

Here are some potential risks of feeding pumpkin to your rabbt:

  • Gastrointestinal problems: The high sugar and carb content in pumpkins can upset a rabbit’s delicate digestive system. Giving your bunny too much of this fruit can cause problems like diarrhea, bloating, gas, stomach ache, and gastrointestinal stasis. If you observe any abnormal behavior after feeding your bunny pumpkin, consult your vet immediately.
  • Obesity: The high sugar content in pumpkins can cause your rabbit to gain weight. Additionally, pepitas or pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of fat. Excess fat can clog your bunny’s arteries or cause it to become overweight. Obesity is bad for rabbits as it can result in kidney or liver problems.
Risks Associated With Feeding Pumpkin to Your Rabbit

How Much Pumpkin Should a Rabbit Have?

When it comes to fruity treats for rabbits, it’s important to note that less is more. Serve your bunny just two teaspoons of raw pumpkin flesh per 5 pounds of its body weight, 2 to 3 times a week.

If your bunny is getting overweight or has diarrhea, cut out the fruit portion of their diet, including any pumpkin, and offer them plain hay instead.

How to Feed Pumpkin to Your Rabbit

Here are some more pointers on how to feed your rabbit pumpkin:

Step 1: Determine if pumpkin is right for your rabbit

Pumpkins shouldn’t be a large part of your rabbit’s diet. Instead, a rabbit’s diet should consist of 85% grass or hay, 10% leafy greens, and 5% quality nuggets and fruits.

How to Feed Pumpkin to Your Rabbit

Baby rabbits and juvenile rabbits should not have any pumpkin as their digestive system is still adapting to the adult diet of hay and pellets.

Step 2: Prepare your pumpkin

Buy high-quality pumpkins. It is preferable to get organically grown ones as they are not grown with herbicides or pesticides.

Wash the pumpkin properly to get rid of all traces of dirt or chemicals. Cut and discard the thick stem, and cut the pumpkin into bite-sized pieces, as this makes eating it easier for your pet rabbit.

Step 3: Watch closely

If you are introducing pumpkin to your rabbit’s diet, do so slowly. Offer just one small cube of pumpkin to start with, and monitor their response over the following couple of days.

If you notice abnormal symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, or gas after feeding your bunny pumpkin for the first time, do not give it more as this indicates it didn’t take to the fruit.

If their bodies seem to react well, you can gradually increase the amount of pumpkin you offer each time.

Always remove all uneaten pumpkin pieces after a few hours to avoid decomposition and spread of microorganisms

Which Parts of a Pumpkin Can Rabbits Eat?

We know rabbits are herbivores who love nibbling on parts of plants that we wouldn’t usually eat, so what about other parts of the pumpkin plant?

Here’s a quick guide to the ideal parts of the plant to feed to your beloved bunny.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin seeds?

Pepitas or pumpkin seeds are not toxic to rabbits, and you can serve raw pumpkin seeds to your bunny as an occasional treat. They contain several vitamins and minerals, but also have high-fat content and can cause digestive problems or obesity if your bunny eats too many. Hence, moderation is key.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin seeds

Additionally, you should note that pumpkin seeds can constitute a choking hazard, and there is a risk of pumpkin seed husks getting stuck in a rabbit’s teeth which can cause dental issues. It’s best to offer pumpkin seeds that have had the husks removed. 

To avoid the risk of choking, you can add a pinch of ground or chopped pepitas instead of feeding your rabbit pumpkin seeds whole.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin leaves?

Pumpkin leaves are not harmful to rabbits in small quantities, but they’re not ideal bunny food because of their high calcium content. Some rabbits are prone to kidney stones or bladder “sludge” or sand, which can be triggered by a high-calcium diet.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin leaves

So although it’s not the end of the world if your rabbit eats some leaves while raiding the pumpkin patch, it is best to avoid actively feeding pumpkin leaves to your rabbit. Choose other leafy greens with more nutritional benefits instead.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin stem?

Pumpkin stems contain a high amount of calcium, which doesn’t make them an ideal addition to your bunny’s diet.

As with pumpkin leaves, rabbits can eat pumpkin stems on occasion without getting sick, but they’re not an ideal rabbit food choice.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin rind?

Rabbits eat pumpkin skin or rind. It has a lower sugar content and more fiber than the flesh, which makes it better for your rabbit’s health. However, most rabbits prefer to eat raw pumpkin flesh than eat the skin, so you may find they leave the rind behind.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin rind

It is important that you wash the pumpkin properly to get rid of all traces of dirt, insecticides, or pesticides before you let your rabbit eat it.


Can baby rabbits eat pumpkin treats?

Rabbits under one year old should not have pumpkin or other sweet vegetables, because their digestive systems are still adapting to a healthy, balanced diet.

Wild rabbits eat grass as the main part of their diet, and young rabbits should be weaned onto hay and pellets to mimic this natural diet.

Can rabbits eat canned pumpkins?

Bunnies shouldn’t eat canned pumpkin because it contains added sugar, preservatives, and chemicals that are not good for your pet rabbit. It is best to serve them fresh and properly ripened pumpkins as an occasional treat.

Can rabbits eat cooked pumpkin?

You shouldn’t feed cooked pumpkin to your rabbit. A rabbit’s digestive system is specialized to absorb nutrients from uncooked foods. As a result, feeding rabbits cooked pumpkin doesn’t let them get the nutrients they require.

Stick to feeding your rabbit raw pumpkin flesh to avoid digestive issues like an upset stomach.

Can rabbits eat pumpkin pie?

No, rabbits shouldn’t eat pumpkin pies or pumpkin pie filling. These contain too much sugar. They also have more salt and fat than your bunny needs. Additionally, pumpkin pie has a low fiber content, which makes it unhealthy for your beloved pet.


It is safe to feed your bunny pumpkin, but you should do so in moderation. Pumpkins have several nutritional benefits including vitamins and minerals which can help boost your bunny’s immune system, keeping it healthy. Feeding a rabbit too much pumpkin can result in gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, bloating, and GI stasis. Baby rabbits and juvenile rabbits should not have pumpkins until they are at least one year old.

If you have enjoyed this article, please share it with your fellow rabbit owners, and if you have questions about your rabbit’s diet, leave them in the comments section below.

Dr. Kathryn Rosalie Dench


Dr. Kathryn Rosalie Dench is a veterinary surgeon qualified from Cambridge University. Kate takes a science-based approach to her recommendations for rabbit care. She draws on over ten years of experience in veterinary clinics to offer practical tips, tricks, and warnings for rabbit owners the world over, to help pet rabbits live happy and healthy lives.

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