How Big Does a Rabbit Get? Answers to Your Weighty Questions about Rabbit Size

Written by: Ellyn Eddy

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How Big Does a Rabbit Get

Rabbit size can be deceiving. Rabbits have long, snaky skeletons wrapped inside fluffy fur coats. This means they often look bigger than they really are, especially when they’re periscoping – or reaching up on their hind legs to scope out their environments.

Rabbits also look big in pictures. When I show people pictures of my Mini Rex, Rocky, their response is frequently, “wow, he’s huge!” I’m always surprised by this since Rocky actually weighs less than a bag of sugar.

Bunnies have big personalities, and they project a big presence. Sometimes the smaller the bunny, the bigger the character it has! 

But most wild and domestic rabbits are quite small, weighing 5 pounds (2.25 kg) or less. That said, a handful of giant breeds can weigh 15 pounds (6.8 kg) or more!

This article includes:

  • Sizes of Domestic Rabbit Breeds from Smallest to Largest
  • Average Weight of Rabbits
  • Rabbit Growth Chart from Baby to Adult
  • Sizes of Wild Rabbit Species

How Big Does a Rabbit Get?

Adult rabbits range in weight from tiny 2-pound (1 kg) dwarf rabbits to giant breeds that weigh up to 20 lb (9 kg).  

The average pet rabbit weighs between 3 and 6 pounds (1.3 – 2.7 kg) and measures around 14 inches (35 cm) from nose to tail. 

Rabbits are full-grown at 6-12 months.

Domestic Rabbit Size Categories

All domestic rabbits worldwide are members of one species: Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus, descended from the European wild rabbit. 

But through selective mating, people have developed hundreds of specialized rabbit breeds, each with distinct fur, body type, and weight characteristics.

Two major governing bodies recognize rabbit breeds: the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and the British Rabbit Council (BRC).

These organizations publish standard rabbit breed descriptions that specify the desired weight.

As of 2023, there are 50 ARBA-recognized rabbit breeds and over 70 breeds in the BRC standards. We can divide these breeds into four general size categories:

  • Dwarf: Mature at 2-5 pounds
  • Small-Medium: Mature at 4-8 pounds
  • Large: Mature at 9-12 pounds
  • Giant: Mature at 13+ pounds

Dwarf Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

Dwarf rabbit breeds are those that carry a recessive dwarfing gene. This makes their ears short and stubby, their faces rounder, and their bodies smaller than their normal counterparts. 

There are ethical concerns with breeding dwarf rabbits, since babies that inherit two copies of the dwarfing gene cannot live past a few days of birth. Dwarf breeds are also prone to health and dental problems

Dwarf Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

Dwarf breeds remain popular pets because of their small size and intense cuteness.

Dwarf rabbits weigh between 2 and 4 pounds (1-2 kg) when fully grown. 

Rabbits that are from dwarf lines, but don’t inherit the dwarf gene, are called “false dwarfs” and may grow to 5 pounds (2.25 pounds) at maturity or 5-6 months of age.

Dwarf rabbit breeds include:

  • Netherland Dwarf
  • Polish
  • Holland Lop
  • Britannia Petite
  • Lionhead
  • American Fuzzy Lop
  • Jersey Wooly
  • Mini Rex

Small-Medium Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

Rabbit breeds that are compact and petite, but not affected by the dwarfing gene, are grouped into the “small” or “medium” category. 

Small-Medium Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

These are probably the best breeds for pets, as they are large enough to snuggle with but not too heavy to hold. They also don’t require as much space as large breeds. 

Small-to-medium rabbit breeds weigh 4-8 pounds (1.8 – 3.5 kg) at maturity or 6 months of age.

Small-medium rabbit breeds include:

  • Dutch
  • Florida White
  • Silver
  • Lilac
  • Mini Lop
  • English Angora
  • English Spot
  • Mini Satin

Commercial or Large Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

Commercial breed rabbits get their name because they’re the size preferred by meat producers. But commercial or large breed rabbits can make great pets, especially if they’re from lines bred for friendly personalities.

Commercial or Large Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

These large rabbit breeds have long ears, long medium-weight bone structures, and chunky bodies. 

Large rabbit breeds weigh between 9 and 12 pounds ( 4 – 5.4 kg) as adults and are full-grown at 8 months of age.

Commercial or large rabbit breeds include:

  • Satin
  • Champagne d’Argent
  • Argente Brun
  • Silver Fox
  • Californian
  • Altex
  • New Zealand
  • Standard Rex
  • French Lop

Giant Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

When you hear people talking about “rabbits the size of dogs,” they’re referring to the giant rabbit breeds. 

These have been selected for large bone structures and meaty bodies and can commonly weigh up to 22 pounds (10 kg). They measure at least 20 inches from nose to tail and have ears that are a minimum of 6 inches (50 cm) long.

Giant Rabbit Breed Size & Weight

Giant rabbits need very large habitats but can be great pets for families with lots of room.

Giant rabbit breeds include:

  • Flemish Giant
  • Checkered Giant
  • Giant Chinchilla
  • Continental Giant
  • English Lop
  • Giant Angora

How Big are Baby Rabbits?

Newborn rabbits look like tiny blind mice. They’re the length of your finger and have about the same amount of hair. 

But they’re fast growers! It only takes 31 days from conception for rabbit fetuses to grow to the approximately 2 ounces (56 grams) they weigh at birth.

How Big are Baby Rabbits

After birth, baby rabbits continue to grow very quickly. By 8 weeks, most rabbits weigh between 12oz and 2 pounds. 

At two months, most breeds weigh about 25% of their adult weight, though enormous breeds take longer to reach this milestone. At 4 months, large breeds weigh about 50% of their adult weight, and dwarf breeds are getting close to full size.

At What Age Are Rabbits Full-Grown?

How long do rabbits take to reach full-grown? 

Dwarf, Small and Medium breeds (under 9 pounds at maturity) are full-grown at 6 months.

Large breeds (9-12 pounds at maturity) are full-grown at 8 months.

Giant breeds (13+ pounds at maturity) are full-grown at 10-12 months.

Important Tip!  Remember, rabbits can reproduce before they are full-grown! The adage “breed like rabbits” is no joke. Bunnies can get pregnant as early as 3-4 months of age. 

Keep your male and female rabbits in separate enclosures from the time they are 8 weeks old. Do not let them play together, even for a few seconds, since having babies at a young age can be very stressful for a female bunny

We recommend neutering your pet rabbits as soon as your vet says they are old enough.

How Big Will My Rabbit Get? 

It’s a familiar tale: you bring home a tiny Easter bunny from a pet store, expecting it to fit in the pocket of your hooded sweatshirt forever. Then that itty-bitty bunny – which was probably sold at way too young – grows to weigh a hefty 12 pounds.

However, I had the opposite experience. Once I was given a “baby” rabbit and expected it – based on its current size –  to grow into a large breed. This bunny never grew it all. It turns out it was a full-grown dwarf rabbit when I brought it home.

How Big Will My Rabbit Get

The moral is, if you are adopting a rabbit from a rescue or pet store, it’s nearly impossible to be sure of the rabbit’s age. It’s also tough to tell how large it will grow to be.

If you ask a vet or a rabbit expert to examine your bunny, they may be able to estimate its age. Based on its age and current weight, you can refer to the chart below to guess how big your rabbit will get at maturity.

Rabbit Growth Chart by Size and Weight

Size CategoryExample Breeds3 Month Weight6 Month Weight12 Month Weight
  • Netherland Dwarf
  • Holland Lop
  • Polish
  • 1.25 lbs
    (0.5 kg)
    2.5 lbs
    (1.13 kg)
    2.5 lbs
    (1.13 kg)
  • Dutch
  • Himalayan
  • Mini Lop
  • 2-3 lbs
    (1 – 1.3 kg)
    5-8 lbs
    (2.3 – 3.6 kg)
    5-8 lbs
    (2.3 – 3.6 kg)
    Large – Commercial
  • New Zealand
  • Satin
  • Silver Fox
  • 4-5 lbs
    (1.8 – 2.2 kg)
    7-9 lbs
    (3.2 – 4 kg)
    9-12 lbs
    (4 – 5.4 kg)
  • Flemish Giant
  • Continental Giant
  • Giant Chinchilla
  • 6-8 lbs
    (2.7 – 3.6 kg)
    8-12 lbs
    (3.6 – 5.4 kg)
    13-20 lbs
    (5.9 – 9 kg)

    What is the Biggest Rabbit Breed in the World?

    The biggest breed of rabbit in North America is the Flemish Giant. The minimum weight for adult Flemish Giants is 13 pounds for males and 14 pounds for females, but they commonly grow to 18 pounds or more.

    The biggest breed of rabbit in North America is the Flemish Giant.

    The Continental Giant is the biggest breed recognized by European standards. These have a minimum adult weight of 6.5 kg.

    Either the Continental Giant or the Flemish Giant could take the title of the largest rabbit breed in the world.

    What is the Biggest Rabbit Ever?

    In April 2010, the Guinness Book of Records awarded the title of “longest rabbit in the world” to a Flemish Giant in the UK named Darius. Darius measured 129 cm (50.8 inches) from nose to tail.

    You may have seen rumors of 40-pound rabbits circulating the web, along with photos of bunnies that appear as large as the people holding them. But remember what we said about bunny size being deceiving, especially in pictures? Many of these photos are staged to make the rabbits appear bigger than they are.

    What is the Biggest Rabbit Ever

    While Flemish Giants can reach enormous weights and lengths, an average adult Flemish Giant weighs only about 16 pounds. So don’t be disappointed if you can’t find a 40-pound bunny as a pet. (And can you imagine how much that would cost to feed?!)

    What is the Smallest Rabbit in the World?

    The smallest domestic rabbit breeds in the world are the Netherland Dwarf and Britannia Petite, known in the UK as the Polish. These compact dwarf bunnies typically weigh 1.8 to 2.5 pounds  when full-grown [1] – though some individuals can be larger.

    According to the ARBA standards, Netherland Dwarfs have a maximum weight of 2.5 pounds (1.13 kg), and their ears must not exceed 2.5 inches in length.

    However, the smallest rabbit species in the world is the pygmy rabbit, native to the western United States. This tiny bunny measures between 9 and 11 inches ( 23 – 28cm), and adults weigh less than a pound!

    Wild Rabbit Species and Sizes

    As you can see, domestic rabbits have a vast range of sizes and weights! But how big is the European wild rabbit from which they’re all descended?

    The European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, weighs only 2-3 pounds in the wild. 

    Here are some sizes and weights of other wild rabbits and hares.

    Common NameSpecies NameRangeAdult Weight
    Eastern CottontailSylvilagus sp.North and South America2 – 4 lb (1-2 kg)
    Bunyoro RabbitPoelagus marjoritaCentral Africa4.4 – 6.6 lb (2-3 kg
    Pygmy RabbitBrachylagus idahoensisWestern North America0.8 – 1.2 lb (375 – 500g)
    Sumatran Striped RabbitNesolagus netscheriSoutheast Asia3 lb (1.5 kg)
    Snowshoe HareLepus americanusNorthern North America3.2-3.4 lb (1.4 – 1.6 kg)
    Black-tailed JackrabbitLepus californicusWestern North America3 – 6 lb (1.4- 2.7 kg)
    European Brown HareLepus europaeusEurope and parts of Asia6.6 -11 lb (3-5 kg)

    Frequently Asked Questions about Rabbit Size & Weight

    Are male or female rabbits bigger?

    Female rabbits tend to be a little larger than male rabbits of the same breed, but there’s not a significant difference in size between genders.

    What rabbit breed is a good size for kids?

    My favorite breeds for kids are those of the “small to medium” size category, like Mini Lops, Dutch, and Himalayans. These are not as small and delicate as dwarf bunnies but not too heavy for kids to handle.

    What rabbit breed is a good size for kids

    Do bigger or smaller breeds live longer?

    If you take proper care of your domestic rabbit, it can live to 8 or 10 years of age, whether a large breed or a small one. Quality of care and stress levels are the most significant factors in how long a rabbit will live, not size or weight.

    Rabbits in the wild have high-stress lives and rarely live more than 2 or 3 years.


    Wild rabbits are typically small; their harsh living conditions prevent them from growing larger than 2-3 pounds most of the time.

    But as you can see, domestic rabbits have been bred to become teeny-tiny in some cases and huge in others. Both big and small rabbit breeds have different healthcare and environmental needs, so make sure you set up your space to accommodate your rabbit’s requirements.

    Did your bunny grow to the size you expected him to be? Let us know in the comments!

    Ellyn Eddy


    Ellyn has been rescuing, raising, and writing about rabbits for two decades and loves to help others discover the joy of rabbit care. Her favorite rabbit color is black. She thinks the cutest part of a bunny is the fluffy space right between its ears.

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